The Dixie Spoon is ideal for catching all fresh and salt water game fish including Bass, Crappie, Speckled Trout, Pike, Northern, Yellow Fin Tuna, Barracuda, Redfish, and Pompano. Its perfect balance gives longer, more accurate casts and its injured shad action takes fish where others fail.
The Dixie Jet Big Daddy and Talon are perfect spoons for Saltwater action and work great on deep lakes and those steep submerged ledges. The Big Daddy, Talon and Gizzard Shad Spoons work great when surf fishing, trolling or ledge fishing. The Dixie Jet Slab spoons are great for casting, vertical jigging, jigging deep docks and deep breaker walls and are made with pure lead.
The Dixie Jet Flutter spoons come in either ½ oz or ¾ oz and cast great into the wind. These spoons work great when casting to schooling fish on the surface or just under the surface. Their slow, but erratic fall replicates injured shad falling from the surface and fish of all kinds will slam them for an easy meal. All our spoons, when left to free fall, will flutter backwards several feet before resting on the bottom structure. This allows our spoons to penetrate sections of docks and ledges that were otherwise unreachable. Dixie Jet Flutter Spoons are made of solid Marine grade brass and are plated with the finest high finish product on the market today. Our gold spoons are plated with 24 K gold and our copper with pure copper. All our plated spoon finishes stays bright, will not rust and will last a very, very long time. Our painting process is a trademark and our paint finishes stay bright, resist chipping and last a long time. We take great pride promoting the fact that all our spoons are made in the United States, proudly keeping jobs in America. We ask that you purchase American made products and keep America great.
The position of your rod and the speed of your retrieve determine the depth you fish. Vary your retrieve and depth until the action suits the mood of the fish. For best results, raise your rod tip sharply every few turns of the reel. Under most conditions retrieve your spoon at a slow to moderate speed. For best fishing use all genuine Dixie Spoons. For more details watch the below instructional videos.